A downloadable game

This game is derived from the Werewolf game with 2 major twists:

  1. The dead ones can return to the game as the operator of ouija and the ouija CAN KILL.
  2. The game has a ouija section in every turn, which can lead to really funny body contacts.
  3. No innocent villigers. Everyone is here to kill, thus everyone has a reason to manipulate the ouija.

A bunch of tourists are trapped by a sudden storm in an isolated island, which is famous for its lores of treasure guarded by an ancient curse...

Suggested Players

3-10 players.

Before Game Starts:

  • Everyone get themselves a unique codename which is no longer than 3 letters.
  • Everyone draw a random role card. 
    How many every role is in the game is determined before game starts, according to the amount of players.
    Usually, a 1:3 partitioning of the 2 camps are recommended and researcher will not exist if there are only 3 or 4 people.


Every turn (a day) contains:

1\ The murder:
the bad guys decide one person to murder.

2\ The Ouija: 
One dead person (who won all other dead ones in paper rock scissor shoot) can join the ouija with the living ones.
If the ouija shows the codename of any player (no matter he is alive or already dead), he will be excuted as the murderer thus the debate section will be skipped.

3\ The debate:
Everyone alive can give their opinions and finally vote to excute a murderer.


  • The bad guys camp
    • The inheritors:
      The inheritors are here to claim what they are "supposed" to have. They will try to kill all the "outsiders".
      If there are only players of the bad guys camp alive before the researchers win, the inheritors win.
    • The accomplices:
      The accomplices didn't expect the murders to happen, while they are already the accomplices.
      If the inheritors win, the surviving accomplice win.
      If the researchers win, the dead accomplice win.
  • The good guys camp
    • The researchers:
      They are here to discover the truth of treasure.
      Let the number of players be X. If there are still researchers alive after 「(X-2)/2⌉ nights, the researchers win.
      If there are no bad guys alive, the researchers win.
  • The tourists:
    Tourists who looks regular. But no regular people will choose this cursed island as their vacation destination. For them, the island is the great place for murdering -- avenging. 
    Every tourists will be given a number at the start of the game. The number represents who their "foe" is. The goal of the tourists is not only just survive like a regular villager, but is to murder their "foe".
    When the game ends (that means, either the researchers win, or all the bad guys are dead), the survived tourists win if their "foe" is not alive.
  • The GM
    • The elder:
      The indigenous elder who kept the secrets of the island. He doesn't care about the treasure, for the fate will always distribute the treasure to the right ones.
      The elder will organize the ouija after every murder.
      The elder should know the identity of every player.

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